Although each of Noah's sons were said to have developed their own language within Genesis chapter 10, what explains the whole earth having only "one language" at the beginning of chapter 11?
Who or what was "the LORD" who was comprised of multiple individuals who decided to "go down and there confuse their language"?
Who or what was “the LORD” who was comprised of multiple individuals that decided to “go down and there confuse their language” in Babel? (Genesis 11.7).
What may Terah's original description symbolically reveal about his identity?
Who or what was “the LORD” who “appeared to Abram” and told him, “To your descendants I will give this land” and to whom Abram “built an altar to” in Shechem?
How did Abram’s telling Sarai, “I may live because of you” place Sarai in a position of power within their marriage as half brother and sister? (Genesis 12.13; see Genesis 20.12).
Who or what was “the LORD” who “plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai, Abram’s wife”? (Genesis 12.17).
Who or what was “the LORD” who the men of Sodom “were exceedingly wicked and sinful against”? (Genesis 13.13).
Who or what was “the LORD” who said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him, “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are…for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever” and to whom Abram built an altar “by the terbinth trees of Mamre”? (Genesis 13.14-13.15).
The narration states that “Abram the Hebrew” was told that Lot had been taken captive at a time when Abram resided among his “allies” (Genesis 14.13). What does Abram’s description imply about the manner in which Abram was viewed by the people of the land?
Who or what was Abram referring to when he “said to the king of Sodom, ‘I have lifted my hand to the LORD, God Most high, the Possessor of heaven and earth’”? (Genesis 14.22).
Who or what was “the LORD” whose “word…came to Abram in a vision” and who Abram referred to as “LORD God”? (Genesis 15.1).
What was Abram’s “shield” and “exceedingly great reward”? (Genesis 15.1).
The narration states the following: “And he believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness” (Genesis 15.6). What does it mean to state that Abram “believed in the LORD”?
Who or what was “the LORD” with whom Abram made a “covenant”? (Genesis 15.18).
What other “covenants” have been mentioned since the beginning of the narrative and who have those covenants been between?
Who or what was “the LORD” who Sarai told Abram “has restrained” her from bearing children and who Sarai asked “to judge” between her and Abram? (Genesis 16.2).
Were Abram and Sarai physically unable to procreate as husband and wife or were they “restrained” from procreating because they shared Terah as a common father? (see Genesis 20.12).
In order for a new nation to be created from “Abram the Hebrew,” who was a direct descendant of Noah’s son, Shem, did Abram’s first-born son with an Egyptian woman make it necessary for Sarai, who was also Shem’s direct descendant, to eventually have a son as well?
How able would Hagar have been to defend herself against Sarai’s claim that she “became despised in her eyes”? (Genesis 16.4).
Why did Abram defer to Sarai’s power within their relationship by telling her, “Indeed you maid is in your hand; do to her as you please,” even though Hagar was now Abram’s wife and she was carrying Abram’s first-born son? (Genesis 16.6).
What are the symbolic undertones of Hagar speaking with “the Angel of the LORD” by water? (Genesis 16.7).
Who or what was “the LORD” who “heard” Hagar’s “affliction”? (Genesis 16.16.11).
What does Hagar’s identification of “the LORD” as “You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees” suggest about the identity of “the LORD” who provided Hagar Life? (Genesis 16.13).
Who or what was “the LORD” – who was referred to as both “Almighty God” and “God” – who “appeared to Abram,” who said to Abram, “I will make My covenant between Me and you,” and who renamed Abram, Abraham? (Genesis 17.1).
Hagar “called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, ‘You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees’” (Genesis 16.3). Was “the LORD” who “appeared to Abram and said to him, ‘I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless’” the same entity?
What is the “everlasting covenant” that “God” is making with Sarah’s son, Isaac’s descendants? (Genesis 17.7).
Who or what had the power “to give” to Abraham and his descendants “the land in which you are a stranger…as an everlasting possession”? (Genesis 17.8).
What does the act of circumcision represent? (Genesis 17.10).
Why does the language shift between “the LORD” who “appeared to Abram,” and the “God” who renamed Sarai, Sarah, and who promised to “give” Abram “a son by her”? (Genesis 17.15).
The “LORD” who “appeared to” Abraham was both singular (“the LORD”) and plural (“three men”). Who or what was “the LORD” who “appeared to him by the terebinth trees of Mamre? (Genesis 18.1).
What does the difference in capitalization of the word “LORD,” which changes to lower-case “Lord” when Abraham speaks, suggest about the identity of “the LORD” who appeared to Abraham? (Genesis 18.3).
Why was the first question that the men asked Abraham, “Where is Sarah your wife?” (Genesis18.9).
Does the fact that the men asked for Sarah, and not Sarai, suggest that the men knew that Sarah was to become pregnant within the next few months?
“God” had previously told Abraham that “Sarah your wife shall bear you a son” (Genesis 17.9). The “LORD” also told Abraham and Sarah that “Sarah shall have a son” (Genesis 18.14). Is “the LORD” and “God” the same entity?
Was the wealth and status of being a “Hebrew” in the land of Canaan at risk of being extinguished if Sarah did not get pregnant resulting in Abraham’s offspring with an Egyptian woman being his only heir?
Who or what was “the LORD” who was convinced that “Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation” and who said, “Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous, I will go down now and see…and…I will know”? (Genesis 18.18; 18.20-18.21).
Who or what was Abraham referring to when he asked, “Shall not the judge of all the earth do right”? (Genesis 18.25).
Who or what were “the two angels” who “came to Sodom in the evening”? (Genesis 19.1).
When “the men…struck the men who were at the doorway of the house with blindness,” did the men become literally “blind,” or were they unable to see their fate? (Genesis19.11).
Who or what was “the LORD” who was “merciful” to Lot and his family after having overthrown “those cities, all the plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground”? (Genesis 19.16; 19.25).
As Lot’s wife became “a pillar of salt,” what may this description symbolically suggest about her state of being at that time? (Genesis 19.26).
The narration state that “the LORD” was “merciful” to Lot and his family and “set him outside the city” (Genesis 19.16). The narration also states that “God destroyed the cities” (Genesis 19.29). Does the shift in reference between “the LORD” and “God” indicate two separate entities?
What does the narration mean by stating, “God remembered Abraham”? (Genesis 19.29).
What was Abraham and Sarah’s purpose in leaving their home in Hebron so as to travel south into an area ruled by Abimelech, king of Gerar, so as to allow Sarah, a married woman with no children, to be “taken” by the king? (Genesis 20.3).
What was the king of Gerar’s motivation for having “sent and took” Sarah into his house? (Genesis 20.2).
Who or what was the “God” who spoke to Abimelech “in a dream”? (Genesis 20.6).
The narration states the following: “Then Abimelech said to Abraham, ‘What did you have in view, that you have done this thing?’ And Abraham said, ‘Because I thought, surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will kill me on account of my wife. But indeed she is truly my sister. She is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife. And it came to pass, when God caused me to wander from my father’s house, that I said to her, ‘This is your kindness that you should do for me: in every place, wherever we go, say of me, “He is my brother”‘” (Genesis 20.10-20.13). What did Abraham mean when he told Abimelech that he had felt “the fear of God” was “not in this place”?
Who or what was the “God” who Abraham had said “caused” him to”wander from my father’s house”?
As brother and sister who shared Terah as the same father, and as husband and wife, what kind of relationship did Abraham and Sarah have with one another on a moment-to-moment basis?
What interest would Abimelech have had in encouraging Abraham and Sarah to live in his land even though Abraham and Sarah had deceived him? (Genesis 20.15).
Who or what was “the LORD” who “visited Sarah as He had said, and “did for Sarah as He had spoken”? (Genesis 21.1).
Who or what was the “God” who Sarah said, “made me laugh” (Genesis 21.6).
Why did Sarah refer to Isaac as “my son” and not “our son” when speaking with Abraham? (Genesis 21.10).
Who or what was the “God” who spoke to Abraham? (Genesis 21.12).
Would Abraham have allowed Hagar, his wife, and Ishmael, his first-born son, to be separated from him?
Would Abraham have pursued Hagar and Ishmael after they departed from Sarah and Abraham’s residence so as to provide for them?
Who or what was “the angel of God” who “called to Hagar out of Heaven”? (Genesis 21.17).
Who or what was the “God” who Abimelech told Abraham “is with you in all that you do”? (Genesis 21.22).
Why would Abimelech, a king with an army, feel the need to gain assurance from Abraham that Abraham would “not deal falsely” with Abimelech’s “offspring” or “posterity”? (Genesis 21.23).
What is the significance of “the covenant” between Abraham and Abimelech that the two “swore and oath” to maintain? (Genesis 21.32).
Was the well that Abraham claimed to have dug the same well that Hagar saw when “God opened her eyes” after she was cast out of Sarah’s residence and had “wandered in the Wilderness of Beersheba”? (Genesis 21.14-21.19).
Who or what was “the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God” who Abraham “called on”? (Genesis 21.33).
Who or what was the “God” who “tested Abraham” and directed him “to the place” so as to offer Isaac as a burnt offering? (Genesis 22.1).
Why did “God” refer to Isaac as Abraham’s “only son” when Abraham was the father of Ishmael as well? (Genesis 22.2).
Who or what was “the Angel of the LORD” who called to Abraham “from heaven”? (Genesis 22.11).
Who or what was Abraham referring to when he called the name of the place where he was to offer Isaac as a burnt offering, “The-LORD-Will-Provide”? (Genesis 22.14).
Why did “the Angel of the LORD” call to Abraham “a second time out of heaven”? (Genesis 22.15).
Who or what was “the LORD” who told Abraham, “you have obeyed My voice”? (Genesis 22.18).
Consider the following retelling commentary on Genesis chapters 22 and 23 - Abraham's offering of Isaac & Sarah's Death
Why did Abraham dwell in Beersheba when Sarah dwelt in Hebron? (Genesis 22.19; see Genesis 23.2).
Why did Abraham insist upon buying the land that he needed to bury Sarah and not allow the land to be given to him? (Genesis 23.11; Genesis 23.16).
Unique among Bible commentaries, The First Seventy tells the story of the Bible from the perspective that references to 'God' are references to that which is unified and one, and references to 'the LORD' are references to individuals who hold power over others due to family status, feudal power, or states of awareness.
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